Jean Beneduci

Choose the Path of Transformation

+1 339 933 0774

Shamanic Sound Healing using integrative healing techniques.  Available for private and group sessions and ceremonies. 

Throughout her 30+ years of living in the South Shore area, Jean has slowly collected specific stones to construct a sacred labyrinth in the center of her property.  

The labyrinth is a tool of spiritual growth, healing, and transformation of the mind, body, and spirit that has existed throughout time in many different cultures.  

It is used in a sacred way for prayer, meditative walking, problem solving, relaxation, ceremony, and spiritual reflection.  The very act of walking with intention has a healing impact on all levels of the soul.  

The shape represents the lapsing of time and experience, it's many turns reflect the journey of life including changes of direction, transition, discovery and achievement.  It shows us that no time or effort is never wasted if we stay the course, however distant it seems, we are always closer to our goal.  

Labyrinth walking is a personal experience and there is no way to "wrongly" walk, one simply enters and follows the path.  

During the medieval ages labyrinths were laid down on the cathedral floors and constructed using sacred geometry, among the most "famous" of these can still be seen today in the Chartres Cathedral, France. 

During the medieval ages labyrinths were laid down on the cathedral floors and constructed using sacred geometry, among the most "famous" of these can still be seen today in the Chartres Cathedral, France.